On Becoming Proud to Be an Artist: Cory Heimann

Many of us creative artists grew up afraid of the "artist" label because of the stigma that it carried. We were often told that being an artist was a surest way to end up "flipping burgers," and many of us can recount times when people looked down at  artists as lazy or naive. In this podcast episode, Anthony D'Ambrosio interviews Cory Heimann, owner of Likeable Art, on how he shook off this stigma and became proud of his artistic vocation. We also speak about how his experiences of faith impacted value he has placed on art and beauty. Finally, they also talks about Cory's big and hopeful vision for the future. The conversation was wide ranging-- at moments deeply spiritual, and at others eminently practical. 

Cory is a prolific filmmaker that has been pushing the boundaries of excellence in Catholic media for a few years now.  Here is an example of his work: http://www.likableart.com/2016/01/15/stealingtime/

Recommended Resources: 

Hey Whipple Squeeze This

Fit Bit Knockoffs


Ministry, Money, and Authenticity: Jenna Guizar of Blessed is She

Jenna Guizar, founder of Blessed is She, an incredibly innovative women's ministry, speaks with Catholic Creatives Host Anthony D'Ambrosio about how she got her start. Their topics range from how to be both professional and authentic, and the interplay between money and ministry.

Find more about Blessed is She here: www.blessedisshe.net



People and Podcasts:

Chalene Johnson:  http://www.chalenejohnson.com/

Being Boss: http://beingboss.club/

Amy Porterfield: http://www.amyporterfield.com/

Paul Jarvis & Jason Zook (invisible office hours)  https://pjrvs.com/ 


Collaboration and Why There Isn't More of It: The Vigil Project

I really enjoyed talking with Jon Weiss & Dan Johnson of 4PM Media and Shawn Williams of Papercastle Records about their creative collaboration The Vigil Project. I had an awesome time with them breaking down exactly how they pulled off what they did. We get into numbers, the challenges they faced, time commitment, and return on investment. We also talked about why Shawn doesn't have a tattoo.